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Rabu, 07 November 2012

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Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

Little Angel

I’m standing on the bridge,

I’m waiting in the dark

I thought that you’d be here by now

There’s nothing but the rain

No footsteps on the ground

I’m listening but there’s no sound

Isn’t anyone tryin’ to find me?

Won’t somebody come take me home?


It’s a damn cold night!

Trying to figure out this life

Won’t you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don’t know who you are

But I… I’m with you

I’m with you


I’m looking for a place

I’m searching for a face

Is anybody here I know?

‘Cause nothing’s going right

And everything’s a mess

And no one likes to be alone

Isn’t anyone tryin’ to find me?

Won’t somebody come take me home?



Why is everything so confusing?

Maybe I’m just out of my mind

Yeah.. yeah.. yeah!..yeah.. yeah, 

yeah.. yeah, yeah yeah,YEAH…

It’s a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won’t you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don’t know who you are

But I….! 

I’m with YOU…

I’m with YOU…

Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don’t know who you are

But I!

I’m with you…

I’m with you…

Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don’t know who you are

But I

I’m with you

I’m with you

I’m with you

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Selasa, 06 November 2012

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Little Angel - Quotes

Little Angel

Love Quotes

If you love something, set it free;
if it comes backs it's yours,
if it doesn't, it never was.
- Richard Bach

True love is like ghosts,
which everyone talks about and few have seen.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
Only through our love and friendship can we
create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.
- Orson Welles

Life Quotes

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
- Robert Byrne

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus

It`s funny how hello always ends with a goodbye,
it`s funny how good memories can start to make you cry.
It`s funny how forever never really seems to last,
it`s funny how much you`d lose if you forgot about your past.
It`s funny how friends can just leave you when you`re down,
it`s funny how when you need someone they`re never around.
It`s funny how people change and think they`re so much better,
it`s funny how many lies can be packed in one "love letter".
It`s funny how people forgive even though they can't forget,
it`s funny how one night can contain so much regret.
It`s funny how ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all, none of that`s funny to me. 

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Sabtu, 03 November 2012

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Little Angel

Long time ago, in a village there lived a couple of best friend, they were Harry and Perrie. They met for the first time when they were 16 years old. Honestly, Harry had fallen in love with Perrie since first met. But Perrie never knew about it.
One fine day, they were hanging out together. Harry had a plan to tell about her feeling to Perrie. He would take her to somewhere and tell the truth about his feeling.
“Where are we going, Hazza?” Asked Perrie.
“I will take you somewhere!” Answered Harry.
“But where it is?”
“It’s a secret :P!”
Finally they arrived on the top of a small hill.
“Wow” Said Perrie “It’s so beautiful!” continued Perrie.
“Do you like it?” Asked Harry.
“Yeah, so much! Thank you Hazza!” Answered Perrie.
After they kept silence for a moment, Harry said something.
“I wanna tell you something”
“What it is?”
“I think,,,, I fall in love with you”
Perrie was so surprised because of Harry admission. She could not say anything.
“Would you be my girlfriend, Perrie?” Asked Harry while standing on his knees in front of Perrie.
“I can’t” Answered Perrie. She dropped her tears.
“Why?” Asked Harry. He was so disappointed.
“I can’t tell you”
“If I show it to you now, will it make you runaway?”
“Just tell me, please!” Asked Harry.
            “Will you stay even if it hurts?”
            “Yes, I will” Answered Harry surely.
            “I am a murderer!”
             Harry was so shock. He could not say anything. For him, it was impossible. He could not accept it.
            “When I was 10 years old, I killed my enemy because she always said that my mom is a bi**h. I was so angry, and,, and,,, and,, it was happening! I’m sorry! Fast or slow you will know it. That’s why! I’m sorry Harry, sorry!”
            “Like I said, I will stay even if it hurts” Said Harry steadily.
            “Will you love me even with my dark side?”
            “Everybody’s got a dark side, you know?”
            “Don’t runaway, promise me you will stay!”
            “I promise!” Said Harry
            “Thanks Hazza” Said Perrie and wiped her tears on her cheek.
            “So?” Asked Harry.
            “So what?”
            “Huh,, I will say it once again, so listen carefully! Would you be my girlfriend, Perrie?”
            “Yes I will”
            After that, they enjoyed life together.

Love doesn't need to be perfect, It just need to be true.
p.s easy to guess :P

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Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

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Little Angel

              There are many social networks right now, one of them is Facebook. There are more than 50 million users and most of them are children under 17. There are pro and con about children under 17 should or should not have Facebook account. Many parent claim that Facebook is not a good social network for their children, especially children under 17. But some others said it’s okay if their children have Facebook account but still under their supervision.
                First of all, parent who do not agree that their children especially under 17 have Facebook account said that Facebook brings many bad effects such a case of kidnap by a man through Facebook. They also said using Facebook need much money because it needs to be connected to the internet.
                However, some others said that they give their permission to their children especially under 17 to have Facebook account but still under their supervision. Something bad will never happen as long as they keep watching their children while using Facebook.
                In conclusion, I think children under 17 are allowed to have Facebook account but still under their parent’s supervision. The parents should not give their ‘over’ protect to their children. Just give them some independence but not too much. 
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Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

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Little Angel

                Global warming is a seriously problem in our planet. It brings many bad impact. To decrease the impact of the global warming we can do several things.
                First, decrease the numbers of using AC. AC contains a danger substance called CFC. CFC makes our ozone has many holes and causing the UV arrives on the surface of our earth.
                Second, limit the using of paper. We can use the recycle paper to economized the paper and when doing this, it means we take a hand in reducing the logging. More fewer trees are felled more better.
                The last, planting the bamboo. In a study research proving that bamboo absorb more carbon dioxide than trees. Carbon dioxide is one of the dangerous gas, it can puncture the ozone.
                So, to decrease the impact of the global warming we can do several things, we can decrease the numbers of using AC, limit the using of paper, and planting the bamboo. We should take an action to safe our planet and make it better. Stop the global warming :)
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Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

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The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

Tetapi bagaimana bila novel yang kita baca tidak membuat kita merasakan hal-hal tersebut ?  Seperti halnya novel The Alchemist, karangan penulis asal Amerika Latin Paulo Coelho. Sebuah novel bergenre magis-realis khas novel Amerika latin. Novel yang mungkin justru malah membuat kita mengerenyutkan dahi ketika membacanya. Novel tersebut menceritakan tentang petualangan seorang pemuda dalam mencari Sang Alchemist, tokoh rekaan dalam novel yang tidak lain adalah representasi Sosok Sang Bijak, yang dalam kehidupan nyata sering kita sebut guru, filsuf, orang bijak, bahkan nabi.
Dalam novel tersebut pembaca diajak bertualang secara imajinasi dan intelektual tentang pencarian kebenaran sejati, pencarian makna hidup, makna bekerja, makna berbuat baik. Paulo Coelho menggambarkan bahwa untuk menemui Sang Alchemist, Sang pemuda harus melewati sejumlah tantangan, pada bagian akhir novel, ia bahkan harus belajar mengerti bahasa alam, bagaimana angin sebenarnya berbicara. Sungguh bukan sebuah novel yang menghibur, lebih mirip sebuah buku filsafat. Mungkin untuk sebagian kita novel ini terlalu kelam, terlalu rumit, tidak menghibur. Namun justru lewat novel inilah Paulo Coelho berhasil menunjukkan kepada dunia, bahwa ia seorang penulis kelas dunia.
Pada kehidupan nyata, pencarian makna hidup adalah pekerjaan abadi manusia. Sejak pertama kali manusia pertama diciptakan hingga hari ini, Filsuf-filsuf hadir dan lahir menggantikan para nabi untuk terus mencoba mencari makna kehidupan. Dan untuk dapat menemukan makna-makna kehidupan, tantangan adalah sesuatu yang harus dihadapi. Tantangan-tantangan dalam bentuk apapun akan selalu hadir, sebagai bagian dari perjalanan menemukan kebenaran. Baik tantangan yang berasal dari diri kita atau dari orang sekitar kita.
Novel tersebut diawali oleh keinginan seorang pemuda di sebuah gereja tua untuk bertualang mencari Sang Achemist. Dalam perjalanannya, ia bekerja di toko kelontong, belajar bahasa lain, pergumulan antara menjalani kemapanan dan keinginan untuk melanjutkan perjalanan, mengalami pengalaman antara mementingkan diri sendiri dan orang lain. Akhir dari itu semua tentu saja, sang pemuda berhasil bertemu dengan Sang Alchemist. Namun, di akhir novel, Paulo Coelho menutupnya dengan adegan bahwa semua yang dialami oleh pemuda tersebut, hanyalah sebuah mimpi. Itu menimbulkan pertanyaan bahwa, apakah pencarian Sang Benar hanyalah sebuah mimpi ? Apa yang Paulo Coelho coba sampaikan dengan penutup cerita seperti itu ? Disitulah letak kekelaman novel ini.
Paulo Coelho seperti mencoba mengatakan bahwa, pencarian kebenaran hakikatnya adalah mimpi semua orang. Setiap orang berhak untuk mencari kebenaran. Namun yang juga patut disadari, bahwa pencarian kebenaran atau Sang Benar bukanlah hal mudah. Kita harus melalui berbagai halang rintang untuk bisa sampai pada akhirnya. Kita mungkin bisa sampai, namun juga tidak. Sebuah pencarian bisa berakhir pada kesuksesan, atau hanya akan membawa kita kembali ke tempat darimana kita berasal.

Sumber :
M. Yusral Alhadi (Pemilik Buku) dan Keluar Malam.

Sumber Website ::
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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

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The Last Supper and it’s clues!

It is claimed in the novel that Leonardo da Vinci included cryptic messages in his paintings and designs and that these included celebrations of the sacred feminine. 
 1. Is this evidence for Peter’s rivalry with Mary Magdalene? Peter’s hand is slicing through the air in what appears to be a menacing fashion. Metaphorically, Da Vinci might be intending to comment on the struggle that took place to control Jesus’s religious movement after his death. There is some evidence in the Nag Hammadi codices to suggest that Peter was jealous of Mary’s important role in the continuance of Jesus’s mission.  2. According to The Da Vinci Code, as well as some other sources, the letter ‘M’ represents either Mary Magdalene or ‘matrimony’ (from the Latin matrimonium), or both.  3. Is the figure on Jesus’s right really the apostle John… or is it a woman? Was placing this Mary Magdalene figure on Jesus’s right – the most important position in relation to the figure of Jesus - Leonardo’s vision of where she ought to have been? 4. Note the disembodied hand hanging in the air. Does this have a symbolic meaning? Is it an image, for instance, of Peter’s real feelings towards Mary Magdalene? 5. Note that the clothing worn by Jesus and Mary are mirror images in terms of the red and blue fabrics. 6. The 90-degree  angle that can be drawn between Jesus and Mary Magdalene suggests a ‘V’. In The Da Vinci Code, as well as in several non-fiction sources, this is the archetypal symbol for the vagina, chalice, womb and female sexuality.   7. Note that there is no central chalice at the table, although people often do not notice that the famous cup of the Grail story is missing. In the painting, each figure has a cup of his own. It is jokingly suggested in The Da Vinci Code is that Leonardo "forgot to include the Holy Grail".  8. In formal ritual and ceremony, red and blue are often seen as royal colors, and their use here could be suggesting a royal bloodline. There is some evidence to suggest that Mary was a descendant of the royal house of Benjamin, and it is known that Jesus was the direct heir to the royal line of David of the House of Judah. Blue is also considered to be representative of fidelity, spiritual love and truth.  In The Da Vinci Code, the painting under scrutiny is The Last Supper. It is claimed that the figure on Jesus’s right is not the apostle John, but Mary Magdalene, and that the two central figures, the postulated Mary Magdalene and the figure of Jesus, form the inner sides of a large ‘M’ for Mary. This enclosing ‘M’ shape is interpreted as confirming the importance of Mary Magdalene in Jesus’s life. She is the only woman present and, as first apostle, sits at his right hand.   It is pointed out that there is no chalice on the table, and this is interpreted to mean that the chalice was nonetheless there… in the person of Mary Magdalene, the chalice being her womb, the sacred Sangreal, in which she carried the bloodline of Jesus. It is suggested that the 90-degree ´V’ sign that can be drawn between her and Jesus is another cryptic Da Vinci device symbolising the chalice, the sangreal, the womb of Mary Magdalene. The ‘V’ and inverted ‘V’ signs were not uncommonly used symbolically to indicate the female and male principles.  If the figure in the painting is the apostle John, as has been generally accepted to this point, he is a curiously feminine figure, although young, unbearded men were often presented in somewhat androgynous terms in the style of the day. On the other hand, if the slender, narrow-shouldered, feminine figure had been designated Mary Magdalene in the first place, it is doubtful whether anyone would have queried her gender. That could leave us with a numerical difficulty, but we have to remember that the painting is Leonardo’s creation. If he intended the figure to be Mary Magdalene, then his placing of her next to Jesus indicates that he considered this to be her rightful place.  Further, in terms of this theory, it was Mary who was intended to be the founder of the Church that would carry forward the teachings of Jesus, not Peter. It seems doubtful whether Leonardo was anti-Christian as is sometimes suggested. He makes many references to God in his work. Sharan Newman describes him as being probably “a Christian in an absent-minded way”, although he was firmly against such against Church practices as the selling of indulgences.  It is difficult to see the erratic, free-spirited, independent Leonardo as Master of an organisation like the described Priory of Sion. One of Leonardo’s problems, made clear by his phenomenal range of sketches and notes, was that he was not a finisher. He was always too tempted by visions of his next project or the possibilities of some invention. It is doubtful whether any project would have held his interest for long. However, it is just possible that the mystery of a secret organisation like the Priory of Sion – if it ever existed in the way that Dan Brown describes – might have fascinated him for a time.    He left thousands of notebooks filled with drawings, designs and sketches. His ingenuity was endless, and his imagination so fertile that he designed many of the inventions that could only be manufactured centuries later when the technology was available. It is true, however, that many of the Renaissance painters incorporated cryptic elements into their paintings. It was fashionable to do so. It was also common for them to use Phi, the Divine Proportion (1.618) as it was called, and the Fibonacci sequences in spatial calculations. This kind of game would have delighted a man of Leonardo’s temperament, especially if he were introducing symbols that would have outraged many if interpreted.  The painter, Nicolas Poussin, a staunch admirer of Pythagoras, was one of those who enjoyed the ancient practice of preserving wisdom through the use of geometry, and he demonstrated this clearly in his most famous painting, Les Bergers d’Aracdie II. Apart from the use of geometry in the design of their paintings, many Renaissance artists used ‘sacred’ symbols freely in their work in such ways that they were unobtrusively part of the scene: a rose might have secret significance, usually in relationship to the Holy Grail or the Order of Rosicrucians; and fingers held in a certain way or touching some part of the body or face might indicate a secret greeting or have some other meaning to those able to recognise it for what it was. Leonardo da Vinci often wrote in mirror writing, but it is doubtful whether this was intended to be cryptic as is sometimes suggested. It was too obviously simple to read. It was far more likely that he was left-handed and found writing in this style easy. In fact, he made it clear that he intended to publish much of his writing at some time in the future, but – like many creative people whose minds overflow with more ideas than they can ever work through – he never reached the stage of compiling his written work into publishable books.

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Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

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THE LOST SYMBOL - Dan Brown (Fact)

To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.
—The Secret Teachings of All Ages
In 1991, a document was locked in the safe of the director of the CIA. The document is still there today. Its cryptic text includes references to an ancient portal and an unknown location underground. The document also contains the phrase “It’s buried out there somewhere.”
All organizations in this novel exist, including the Freemasons, the Invisible College, the Office of Security, the SMSC, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
All rituals, science, artwork, and monuments in this novel are real.
House of the Temple
8:33 P.M.
The secret is how to die.
Since the beginning of time, the secret had always been how to die. The thirty-four-year-old initiate gazed down at the human skull cradled in his palms. The skull was hollow, like a bowl, filled with bloodred wine.
Drink it, he told himself. You have nothing to fear.
As was tradition, he had begun this journey adorned in the ritualistic garb of a medieval heretic being led to the gallows, his loose-fitting shirt gaping open to reveal his pale chest, his left pant leg rolled up to the knee, and his right sleeve rolled up to the elbow. Around his neck hung a heavy rope noose—a “cable-tow” as the brethren called it. Tonight, however, like the brethren bearing witness, he was dressed as a master.
The assembly of brothers encircling him all were adorned in their full regalia of lambskin aprons, sashes, and white gloves. Around their necks hung ceremonial jewels that glistened like ghostly eyes in the muted light. Many of these men held powerful stations in life, and yet the initiate knew their worldly ranks meant nothing within these walls. Here all men were equals, sworn brothers sharing a mystical bond.
As he surveyed the daunting assembly, the initiate wondered who on the outside would ever believe that this collection of men would assemble in one place . . . much less this place. The room looked like a holy sanctuary from the ancient world.
The truth, however, was stranger still.
I am just blocks away from the White House.
This colossal edifice, located at 1733 Sixteenth Street NW in Washington, D.C., was a replica of a pre-Christian temple—the temple of King Mausolus, the original mausoleum . . . a place to be taken after death. Outside the main entrance, two seventeen-ton sphinxes guarded the bronze doors. The interior was an ornate labyrinth of ritualistic chambers, halls, sealed vaults, libraries, and even a hollow wall that held the remains of two human bodies. The initiate had been told every room in this building held a secret, and yet he knew no room held deeper secrets than the gigantic chamber in which he was currently kneeling with a skull cradled in his palms.
The Temple Room.
This room was a perfect square. And cavernous. The ceiling soared an astonishing one hundred feet overhead, supported by monolithic columns of green granite. A tiered gallery of dark Russian walnut seats with hand-tooled pigskin encircled the room. A thirty-three-foot-tall throne dominated the western wall, with a concealed pipe organ opposite it. The walls were a kaleidoscope of ancient symbols . . . Egyptian, Hebraic, astronomical, alchemical, and others yet unknown.

Tonight, the Temple Room was lit by a series of precisely arranged candles. Their dim glow was aided only by a pale shaft of moonlight that filtered down through the expansive oculus in the ceiling and illuminated the room’s most startling feature—an enormous altar hewn from a solid block of polished Belgian black marble, situated dead center of the square chamber.
The secret is how to die, the initiate reminded himself.
“It is time,” a voice whispered.
The initiate let his gaze climb the distinguished white-robed figure standing before him. The Supreme Worshipful Master. The man, in his late fifties, was an American icon, well loved, robust, and incalculably wealthy. His once-dark hair was turning silver, and his famous visage reflected a lifetime of power and a vigorous intellect.
“Take the oath,” the Worshipful Master said, his voice soft like falling snow. “Complete your journey.” The initiate’s journey, like all such journeys, had begun at the first degree. On that night, in a ritual similar to this one, the Worshipful Master had blindfolded him with a velvet hoodwink and pressed a ceremonial dagger to his bare chest, demanding: “Do you seriously declare on your honor, uninfluenced by mercenary or any other unworthy motive, that you freely and voluntarily offer yourself as a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of this brotherhood?”
“I do,” the initiate had lied.
“Then let this be a sting to your consciousness,” the master had warned him, “as well as instant death should you ever betray the secrets to be imparted to you.”
At the time, the initiate had felt no fear. They will never know my true purpose here. Tonight, however, he sensed a foreboding solemnity in the Temple Room, and his mind began replaying all the dire warnings he had been given on his journey, threats of terrible consequences if he ever shared the ancient secrets he was about to learn: Throat cut from ear to ear . . . tongue torn out by its roots . . . bowels taken out and burned . . . scattered to the four winds of heaven . . . heart plucked out and given to the beasts of the field— “Brother,” the gray-eyed master said, placing his left hand on the initiate’s shoulder. “Take the final oath.”
Steeling himself for the last step of his journey, the initiate shifted his muscular frame and turned his attention back to the skull cradled in his palms. The crimson wine looked almost black in the dim candlelight. The chamber had fallen deathly silent, and he could feel all of the witnesses watching him, waiting for him to take his final oath and join their elite ranks.
Tonight, he thought, something is taking place within these walls that has never before occurred in the history of this brotherhood. Not once, in centuries.
He knew it would be the spark . . . and it would give him unfathomable power. Energized, he drew a breath and spoke aloud the same words that countless men had spoken before him in countries all over the world.
“May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me . . . should I ever knowingly or willfully violate my oath.”
His words echoed in the hollow space.
Then all was quiet.
Steadying his hands, the initiate raised the skull to his mouth and felt his lips touch the dry bone. He closed his eyes and tipped the skull toward his mouth, drinking the wine in long, deep swallows. When the last drop was gone, he lowered the skull.
For an instant, he thought he felt his lungs growing tight, and his heart began to pound wildly. My God, they know! Then, as quickly as it came, the feeling passed.
A pleasant warmth began to stream through his body. The initiate exhaled, smiling inwardly as he gazed up at the unsuspecting gray-eyed man who had foolishly admitted him into this brotherhood’s most secretive ranks.
Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear.
Chapter 1
The Otis elevator climbing the south pillar of the Eiffel Tower was overflowing with tourists. Inside the cramped lift, an austere businessman in a pressed suit gazed down at the boy beside him. “You look pale, son. You should have stayed on the ground.”

“I’m okay . . .” the boy answered, struggling to control his anxiety. “I’ll get out on the next level.” I can’t breathe.
The man leaned closer. “I thought by now you would have gotten over this.” He brushed the child’s cheek affectionately.
The boy felt ashamed to disappoint his father, but he could barely hear through the ringing in his ears. I can’t breathe. I’ve got to get out of this box!
The elevator operator was saying something reassuring about the lift’s articulated pistons and puddled-iron construction. Far beneath them, the streets of Paris stretched out in all directions.

Almost there, the boy told himself, craning his neck and looking up at the unloading platform. Just hold on.
As the lift angled steeply toward the upper viewing deck, the shaft began to narrow, its massive struts contracting into a tight, vertical tunnel.
“Dad, I don’t think—”
Suddenly a staccato crack echoed overhead. The carriage jerked, swaying awkwardly to one side. Frayed cables began whipping around the carriage, thrashing like snakes. The boy reached out for his father.
Their eyes locked for one terrifying second.
Then the bottom dropped out.
Robert Langdon jolted upright in his soft leather seat, startling out of the semiconscious daydream. He was sitting all alone in the enormous cabin of a Falcon 2000EX corporate jet as it bounced its way through turbulence. In the background, the dual Pratt & Whitney engines hummed evenly.

“Mr. Langdon?” The intercom crackled overhead. “We’re on final approach.”

Langdon sat up straight and slid his lecture notes back into his leather daybag. He’d been halfway through reviewing Masonic symbology when his mind had drifted. The daydream about his late father, Langdon suspected, had been stirred by this morning’s unexpected invitation from Langdon’s longtime mentor, Peter Solomon.
The other man I never want to disappoint.
The fifty-eight-year-old philanthropist, historian, and scientist had taken Langdon under his wing nearly thirty years ago, in many ways filling the void left by Langdon’s father’s death. Despite the man’s influential family dynasty and massive wealth, Langdon had found humility and warmth in Solomon’s soft gray eyes.
Outside the window the sun had set, but Langdon could still make out the slender silhouette of the world’s largest obelisk, rising on the horizon like the spire of an ancient gnomon. The 555-foot marble-faced obelisk marked this nation’s heart. All around the spire, the meticulous geometry of streets and monuments radiated outward.
Even from the air, Washington, D.C., exuded an almost mystical power.
Langdon loved this city, and as the jet touched down, he felt a rising excitement about what lay ahead. The jet taxied to a private terminal somewhere in the vast expanse of Dulles International Airport and came to a stop.
Langdon gathered his things, thanked the pilots, and stepped out of the jet’s luxurious interior onto the foldout staircase. The cold January air felt liberating.
Breathe, Robert, he thought, appreciating the wide-open spaces.
A blanket of white fog crept across the runway, and Langdon had the sensation he was stepping into a marsh as he descended onto the misty tarmac.
“Hello! Hello!” a singsong British voice shouted from across the tarmac. “Professor Langdon?”

Langdon looked up to see a middle-aged woman with a badge and clipboard hurrying toward him, waving happily as he approached. Curly blond hair protruded from under a stylish knit wool hat.
“Welcome to Washington, sir!”
Langdon smiled. “Thank you.”
“My name is Pam, from passenger services.” The woman spoke with an exuberance that was almost unsettling. “If you’ll come with me, sir, your car is waiting.”
Langdon followed her across the runway toward the Signature terminal, which was surrounded by glistening private jets. A taxi stand for the rich and famous.
“I hate to embarrass you, Professor,” the woman said, sounding sheepish, “but you are the Robert Langdon who writes books about symbols and religion, aren’t you?”

Langdon hesitated and then nodded.
“I thought so!” she said, beaming. “My book group read your book about the sacred feminine and the church! What a delicious scandal that one caused! You do enjoy putting the fox in the henhouse!”

Langdon smiled. “Scandal wasn’t really my intention.”
The woman seemed to sense Langdon was not in the mood to discuss his work. “I’m sorry. Listen to me rattling on. I know you probably get tired of being recognized . . . but it’s your own fault.” She playfully motioned to his clothing. “Your uniform gave you away.”
My uniform? Langdon glanced down at his attire. He was wearing his usual charcoal turtleneck, Harris Tweed jacket, khakis, and collegiate cordovan loafers . . . his standard attire for the classroom, lecture circuit, author photos, and social events.
The woman laughed. “Those turtlenecks you wear are so dated. You’d look much sharper in a tie!” No chance, Langdon thought. Little nooses.
Neckties had been required six days a week when Langdon attended Phillips Exeter Academy, and despite the headmaster’s romantic claims that the origin of the cravat went back to the silk fascalia worn by Roman orators to warm their vocal cords, Langdon knew that, etymologically, cravat actually derived from a ruthless band of “Croat” mercenaries who donned knotted neckerchiefs before they stormed into battle. To this day, this ancient battle garb was donned by modern office warriors hoping to intimidate their enemies in daily boardroom battles.
“Thanks for the advice,” Langdon said with a chuckle. “I’ll consider a tie in the future.”

Mercifully, a professional-looking man in a dark suit got out of a sleek Lincoln Town Car parked near the terminal and held up his finger. “Mr. Langdon? I’m Charles with Beltway Limousine.” He opened the passenger door. “Good evening, sir. Welcome to Washington.”
Langdon tipped Pam for her hospitality and then climbed into the plush interior of the Town Car. The driver showed him the temperature controls, the bottled water, and the basket of hot muffins. Seconds later, Langdon was speeding away on a private access road. So this is how the other half lives.

As the driver gunned the car up Windsock Drive, he consulted his passenger manifest and placed a quick call. “This is Beltway Limousine,” the driver said with professional efficiency. “I was asked to confirm once my passenger had landed.” He paused. “Yes, sir. Your guest, Mr. Langdon, has arrived, and I will deliver him to the Capitol Building by seven P.M. You’re welcome, sir.” He hung up.

Langdon had to smile. No stone left unturned. Peter Solomon’s attention to detail was one of his most potent assets, allowing him to manage his substantial power with apparent ease. A few billion dollars in the bank doesn’t hurt either.
Langdon settled into the plush leather seat and closed his eyes as the noise of the airport faded behind him. The U.S. Capitol was a half hour away, and he appreciated the time alone to gather his thoughts. Everything had happened so quickly today that Langdon only now had begun to think in earnest about the incredible evening that lay ahead.
Arriving under a veil of secrecy, Langdon thought, amused by the prospect.
Ten miles from the Capitol Building, a lone figure was eagerly preparing for Robert Langdon’s arrival.

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Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

Sebuah tabung berisi antimateri telah dicuri dari CERN, sebuah lembaga riset nuklir di Prancis. Antimateri adalah sebuah bentuk hasil ilmu pengetahuan yang hampir menyerupai sebuah bentuk energi. Saat antimateri ini bertemu dengan partikel materi maka ledakan yang sangat dahsyat akan terjadi, semua yang dikenal sebagai “materi” akan tersedot di dalam ledakan itu dan menjadikannya tidak bersisa. Seperti halnya pada proses penciptaan dunia yang dijelaskan dengan teori Big Bang.
Pada hari yang sama, tabung berisi antimateri itu sudah berada di bawah kota Vatikan dan siap meledak dalam 24 jam. Bersamaan dengan itu, pemimpin gereja Katolik Roma, Paus, meninggal dunia. Para kardinal sedang bersiap mengadakan konklaf, sebuah rapat tertutup untuk memilih Paus yang baru. Tapi keempat orang kandidat utama justru diculik oleh sebuah kelompok misterius, Iluminati. Kelompok ini jugalah yang bertanggung jawab atas pencurian antimateri dan rencana peledakan Vatikan. Angel and Demons Ambigram
Bermil-mil jauhnya dari lokasi ancaman bom antimateri itu, Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), seorang simbolog dari Amerika, baru saja menyelesaikan beberapa putaran dari olahraga berenangnya, ketika seorang utusan khusus dari Vatikan meminta pertolongannya. Sebelumnya Robert memang sudah banyak menulis tentang kisah-kisah dibalik gereja Vatikan. Pengetahuannya tentang kelompok rahasia yang sudah menghilang selama 400 tahun itu menjadikannya sebagai orang satu-satunya yang bisa mengungkapkan pelaku dibalik ancaman bom yang bakal meluluhlantahkan Vatikan.
Berbekal sebuah tulisan unik bertuliskan Iluminati, Robert setuju untuk terbang ke Roma untuk membantu memcahkan kasus itu. Satu cetakan tulisan tersebut menarik perhatian ahli simbol ini karena dibolak-balik pun tulisannya akan tetap terbaca. Bentuk tulisan seperti itu biasa disebut sebagai ambigram. Salah satu ciri khas kelompok Iluminati.
Sesampainya di Vatikan, kemampuan Robert justru diragukan oleh komandan Swiss Guard, Richter (Stellan SkarsgÄrd). Bahkan pimpinan kesatuan khusus itu selalu menatap penuh curiga terhadap pengetahuan Robert tentang kelompok rahasia ini. Namun, dibawah tekanan itu, simbolog ini membuktikan berbagai teorinya dengan berhasil membongkar lokasi pembunuhan empat kardinal yang sebelumnya diculik. Dengan bantuan Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer) dia bahkan bisa menemukan satu lokasi terakhir tempat antimateri itu disembunyikan.
angel and demons posters Langdon

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Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code

Saat berada di Paris, pakar simbologi Harvard, Robert Langdon tiba-tiba dikagetkan dengan sebuah telepon penting dari salah satu agen DCPJ (Direction Centratale Police Judiciaire) yang ingin menyelidiki tentang kematian seorang kurator terkenal Jacques saunie’re di Museum Louvre Paris. Kematiannya sangat mengenaskan dan mengherankan karena banyak ditemukan pesan-pesan rahasia yang penuh teka-teki di tubuhnya dan di lantai dekat mayatnya. Ketika Langdon mengamati lebih rinci, Landon menganggap bahwa sang kurator dalam beberapa menit menjelang ajalnya telah menirukan gambar sketsa Leonardo Da Vinci “The Vitruvian Man” dengan jasad tubuhnya selain itu juga dia mengambar simbol “Pentakel” lebih khususnya disimbolkan dengan “Venus” yakni sebuah simbol Perempuan religius kaum pangan diatas perut bugilnya dengan menggunakan darah bekas peluru yang menembus tulang dadanya. Disamping itu, Landon mengamati pesan Sauniere yang penuh teka-teki dengan deretan simbol/kode angka yang di tulis di atas lantai parket menggunakan pena sinar hitam/watermark stylus yang hanya dapat dilihat dalam sinar hitam.
Ketika Langdon merasa tersudut dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan Kapten Face yang merupakan sebuah introgasi tak langsung menuduh Langdon sebagai tersangka utama, tiba-tiba Landon dan Face dikejutkan oleh kedatangan Sophie Neveu seorang agen dari department kriptologi DCPJ yang berpura-pura telah berhasil memecahkan teka-teki pesan sang kurator dan ia juga berpura-pura menyampaikan pesan untuk Langdon dari kedutaan Amerika serikat. Demi sebuah misi mengungkap kematian Sauniere, Langdon dan Sophie akhirnya menjadikan Landon dan Sophie sebagai buronan dan tersangka untama kematian Sauniere.
Ketika Langdon dan Sophie mengupas lapis demi lapis pesan dan teka-tekinya sauniere. Mereka terpana ketika menemukan serangkaian petunjuk yang tersembunyi di balik karya-karya terkenal Leonardo Da Vinci .yaitu sebuah pesan dan petunjuk yang ditujukan untuk Sophie, karena disitu tertulis hurup P.S inisial dari singkatan “Princes Sophie” dan juga merupakan panggilan kesayangan Sauniere terhadap cucu tunggalnya Sophie Neveu. Melihat kejadian yang mengerikan itu, Sophie sedih dan merasa menyesal karena telah salah paham terhadap apa yang dilakukan kakeknya beserta teman-temannya di dalam puri pribadinya di Normandia Paris 10 tahun yang lalu. Situasi menjadi semakin menyedihkan sekaligus mengagetkan ketika Langdon menemukan sebuah keterkaitan dalam pesan teka-teki Sauniere. Berdasarkan keterangan Sophie tentang peristiwa aneh yang dilakukan oleh kakeknya beserta teman-temannya di puri 10 tahun lalu itu, Langdon dapat menyimpulkan Sauniere terlibat dalam Biara Sion yaitu sebuah kelompok persaudaraan rahasia yang beranggotakan diantaranya Sir Isaac Newton, Batticalli, Victor Huga dan Leonardo Da Vinci. Disamping itu Langdon curiga Sauniere terkait dengan sebuah pemburuan untuk memecahkan misteri besar yaitu sebuah misteri yang mencerahkan sekaligus berbahaya karena keberadaannya telah disembunyikan selama berabad-abad oleh kelompok rahasia itu.
Sophie mengerti kenapa kakeknya Sauniere menuliskan nama Robert Landon dalam pesan terakhirnya, karena mungkin hanya Langdonlah yang dipercayai kakeknya untuk membantu memecahkan simbolisme, teka-teki kode dan sederet hurup-hurup pada setiap baris pesan kakeknya yang merupakan petunjuk untuk mengungkap sebuah misteri tentang Holy Grail yang selama ini disembunyikan oleh kakeknya., dan juga dapat mengklirkan kesalahpahaman Sophie kepada kakeknya. Setelah lama mengasah otak memecahkan teka-teki Sauniere yang rumit dan penuh tantangan akhirnya mereka berdua dapat menemukan sebuah sebuah kunci/peta rahasia untuk menemukan dokumen-dokumen Sangreal/ Holy Garil yakni dokumen yang berisi informasi tentang sisi lain dari cerita Yesus yang sebenarnya, buku-buku ajaran Yesus yang asli, juga teks cacatan pribadi Maria Magdalena (The Magdalena Diaries) dan juga sebuah sislsilah lengkap keturunan awal Kristus yang disimpan bersamaan dengan sebuah peti mayat Maria Magdalena. Sampai saat ini dokumen itu di sembunyikan dan di jaga kerahasiaannya, karena takut tertangkap dan ketahuan oleh pihak Gereja yang menentang tegas keberadaan Yesus sebagai nabi yang dapat mati dan juga ingin menghancurkan segala bukti pengakuan kristus yang mempunyai keturunan dari hasil percintaannya dengan Maria Magdalena.
Setelah menemukan apa yang mereka cari, Langdon dan Sophie pergi keluar dari Louvre melarikan diri meneruskan perjalanan ketempat Rue Haxo no 24 sesuai petunjuk yang tertulis di kunci itu. Setelah mereka sampai Rue Haxo no 24, Langdon dan Sophie masuk kesebuah Bank Penyimpanan Zurih Bank Swis yaitu Bank yang menawarkan pelayanan wasiat dengan kode komputer tanpa nama dan bakeup digital nirwajah hanya mengunakan nomer rekening dan kunci pribadi. Kemudian Langdon memasukan kunci itu membuka pintu gerbang dan tempat ruangan berangkas besi. Tinggal satu langkah lagi untuk mengetahui apa yang Sauniere simpan di dalam berangkas itu, Langdon dan Sophie meresa kebingungan karena tidak mengetahui nomer rekeningnya. Setelah lama berpikir, akhirnya Langdon ingat pesan teka-teki Sauniere yang menggunakan anagram angka deretan fibonanci yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian Sophie untuk datang ketempat kejadian. Ternyata benar pesan angram angka Sauniere itu adalah nomer rekeningnya. Setelah berangkas itu terbuka Ternyata isi berangkas itu sebuah Cryptex, yaitu sebuah silinder batu seukuran kaleng bola tennis atau pipa kaledoskop multi putaran yang berisi informasi tertulis yang ditulis pada gulungan kertas papyrus yang mudah hancur apabila seseorang salah memasukan kode. Satu cara membuka cryptex itu yaitu dengan cara menyusun hurup kata kunci yang terdapat pada lingkarannya.
Di perjalanan dalam rangka mencari tempat yang aman untuk memecahkan labiran teka-teki untuk membuka cryptex itu, tiba tiba Langdon terpikir untuk bertemu Leigh Teabing di Puri Villette, seorang professional dalam dunia Holy Grail. dia seorang mantan ahli sejarah bangsawan Inggris yang memiliki informasi lengkap tentang seputaran Grail. Setibanya di puri Langdon menceritakan tujuannya menemui Teabing dan juga mengarapkan Teabing bisa memberikan beberapa informasi tentang Grail dan dapat membantu mereka dalam memecahkan teka-teki Sauniere untuk membuka Cryptex. Setelah Teabing memberikan informasi lebih rinci tentang sejarah Holy Grail sambil memikirkan bagaimana cara memecahkan teka-teki dalam cryptex, tiba-tiba Langdon, Sophie, dan Teabing dikagetkan oleh kedatanga Silas seorang Albino yang masuk secara diam-diam lewat jendela menodongkan pistol kearah mereka. Namun karena kecepatan Teabing mengelabuhi Silas, akhirnya Silas dapat ditangkap dan diamankan untuk di jadikan bukti atas kejahatan yang dilakukannya terhadap Sauniere dan ketiga Senechexnya. Setelah polisi DCPJ mengetahui keberadaan Langdon dan Sophie di Puri. Langdon, Sophie, Teabing, Remy dan Silas tawanannya pergi meninggalkan puri menggunakan pesawat Teabing Hawker /Garret TFE-731 menuju lapangan udara Biggin hill Inggris. setelah lama mengasah otak akhirnya mereka berhasil membuka cryptex tersebut dengan menggunakan Kata kunci SOPFIA. Namun ternyata di dalam cryptex itu terdapat cryptex lagi yang lebih kecil ukurannya dengan kata kunci sebuah sajak 4 baris “Di London terbaring seorang kesatria yang seorang paus kuburkan”.
Setelah lama Face dan Collet sibuk melacak keberadaan Teabing, Langdon dan Sophie di Inggris. dengan cepat Face menyusul ke Inggris sambil menghubungi polisi London untuk bekerjasama menangkap mereka. Saat Collet dan polisi lainnya memeriksa keganjalan-keganjalan yang ada di sekitar puri tempat teabing tinggal. Disanalah mereka menemukan sebuah jaringan gelap/ penyadapan yang bisa mendeteksi keberadaan Musium Louvre tempat Jacques Sauniere, Musium Jeu de Paume tempat Jean Chaffee, Badan Intelelijen Prancis tempat Michel Breton, perpustakaan Mitterrand tempat pengarsip senior Edouard Desrochers dan kepala penasehat konstitusional tempat Colbert sostaque yang semuanya mati terbunuh dalam waktu bersamaan.
Dengan kepintaran Tebing yang bisa mengelabuhi dan menyuap para petugas bandara Biggin Hill, akhirnya mereka lolos dengan selamat kemudian melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju gereja kuil tua untuk mencari makam kesatria untuk membuka cryptek kedua itu. Setibanya di gereja tua mereka tidak menemukan apa-apa makam yang dimaksud dalam kata kunci itu, malahan mereka di kejutkan dengan kehadiran silas dan Remy yang menodongkan pistolnya kearah Sophie dan Tebing untuk meminta Cryptex kedua. Setelah Silas dan remy berhasil mengambil Cryptex itu, mereka menyandra Teabing dan pergi mengantarkan Silas ke tempat tinggal Opus Dei Kemudian Remy pergi dengan limusinnya menuju Taman St. James’s. Di taman itulah semua rahasia identitas terbongkar. Ternyata yang selama ini di anggap sebagai Maha guru yang memperalat Uskup Aringosa dan Silas dalam misi pencarian batu kunci dan Holy Grail itu adalah Leigh Teabing sendiri. Karena takut identitasnya diketahui silas, Teabing menyuruh Remy mengantarkan Silas ke tempat Opus Dei di london. Setelah berhasil mengambil Cryptex dari tangan Remy kemudian Teabing membunuh Remy satu satunya saksi mata yang mengetahui misi dan identitas Teabing sebagai Maha Guru. Dengan menatap penuh kesenangan karena rencananya sebagian telah berhasil, Teabing keluar dari limusin memasuki biara Westminster London untuk mencari makam Isaac Newton.
Setibanya Silas di Pusat Opus Dei London, Tiba-tiba polisi-polisi datang mengepung Silas yang berada di pusat Opus Dei. Ketika Silas baku tembak dengan para polisi, tiba-tiba dia menembak orang yang mencengkram bahunya dari belakang. Kemudian Silas ketakutan ketika melihat Uskup Aringosa roboh tertembak. Di perjalanan menuju rumah sakit Uskup menceritakan bahwa dia telah dihianati oleh orang yang mengaku sebagai Maha guru itu. Dengan penuh penyesalan, Silas berlutut tak sadarkan diri dan meninggal.
Setelah lama mencari informasi-informasi tentang sebuah makam kesatria yang dimakamkan di London. Kemudian mereka pergi ke biara Westminster mengunjungi makam Isaac Newton untuk memecahkan petunjuk terakhir dalam menemukan Grail. Namun kedatangan mereka telah didahului oleh Teabing yang juga memiliki tujuan sama. Teabing sudah 10 menit mengamati makam itu secara mendetail, namun dia tidak berhasil menjawab arti rujukan kata kunci dari pualam Cryptex milik Sauniere yang ada ditangannya itu. Sambil menarik napas dalam-dalam kemudian Teabing memikirkan cara lain yaitu memanfaatka keahlian Langdon dan Sophie dalam memecahkan kata kunci teka-teki puisi Sauniere yang ada hubungannya dengan makam Newton. Kemudian Teabing menyimpan pesan untuk Landon dan Sophie untuk datang Chapterhouse. Setibanya di Chapter House, tiba-tiba Langdon dan Sophie terkejut ketika melihat Teabing yang di khawatirkannya berdiri menodongkan pistol kepada mereka berdua. Mereka merasa di hiyanati ketika Teabing menjelasakan semua rantai peristiwa yang sebenarnya, yakni ingin membuka kebenaran tentang dokumen-dokumen sangreal kepada seluruh dunia. dia juga menganggap Jacques Sounire dan ke empat senechaux-nya (orang-orang Penting di Perancis) telah berhianat dan mengecewakan Grail karena bisa di beli oleh pihak gereja yang menekannya untuk tidak menyebarkan kebenaran tentang sangreal. Disamping itu, ia juga menceritakan bagaimana ia telah dengan pandai melibatkan Opus dei dalam persekongkolan yang mengakibatkan kehancuran seluruh gereja dengan menghasut Uskup Aringosa yang sedang memiliki masalah dan di hantui rasa bingung/kepanikan karena Opus Dei harus melepaskan diri dari vatikan dan menetapkan diri sebagai organisasi Kristen sendiri. Kemudian Teabing yang mengenalkan dirinya sebagai maha Guru datang menawarkan kerjasama untuk menyibak tempat pemburuan Grain yang dapat memberikan kekuasaan yang sangat besar untuk menjatuhkan vatikan., demi misi itu, uskup dan Silas pengikutnya mematuhi apa yang di perintahkan Maha Guru untuk menjalankan semua rencananya termasuk membunuh Sauniere dan ketiga senechaux-nya yang telah memberikan petunjuk palsu.
Setelah menjelaskan semuanya secara rinci dan jelas, Teabing memberikan cryptex itu kepada Landon supaya dia mau bekerjasama dalam membuka cryptek. Dalam situasi terjepit saat menghadapi konfrontasi di bawah todongan senjata, Landon pergi membelakangi Teabing yang sedang menodongkan pistol kearah Sophie. Kemudian secara diam-diam landon membuka cryptek itu dan memasukan isinya kedalam jasnya., tiba-tiba tubuh Teabing bergerak secara naluri melepaskan pistolnya mengangkat dirinya kedepan menjatuhkan tongkatnya ketika dia hendak meraih Cryptex yang dilemparkan Landon kearah kuba. Saat dia sadar Teabing berguling menatap Langdon dan Sophie yang berdiri menodongkan pistol kepadanya. Tanpa di duga kemudian Bezu Face dan polisi London datang menangkap Teabing yang tergeletak tak berdaya diatas lantai.
Saat Face keluar dari ruang introgasi, dia berpikir bahwa Teabing seorang sejarawan yang pintar dan cerdik, Teabing telah membuat rencana yang sangat teliti dalam pengaturannya sehingga dapat melindungi dirinya pada setiap dakwaannya. Sejarawan ini telah telah memperalat Vatikan dan Opus Dei. Pekerjaan kotornya telah dilaksanakan secara tidak sadar oleh seorang biarawan Fanatik yaitu Silas dan seorang Uskup yang putus asa yaitu Aringosa. Lebih cerdik lagi Teabing telah meletakan peralatan penyadapan di dalam kantor orang-orang yang sangat berpengaruh di Paris untuk mengetahui tentang Holy Grail, yang dilaksanakan semua tugas oleh pelayan setianya Remy yang juga merupakan satu-satunya orang yang tahu identitas Teabing yang sebenarnya namun sayang Remy telah meninggal karena dibunuh olehnya. Sebelum melanjutkan perjalanannya ke Paris, kapten Face pergi ke rumah sakit St.Maria untuk bertemu dan melihat keadaan Uskup Aringosa yang terbaring lemah tak berdaya. Dengan penuh penyesalan Uskup itu menceritakan keterlibatan Silas dalam pembunuhan Jacquise Sauniere, ketiga senecauxnya, dan seorang biarawati di Sain Sulpice. Dengan jelas ia juga menceritakan satu-persatu rangkaian peristiwa mengerikan yang harus dilakukan Uskup dan Silas atas perintah Gurunya itu (Teabing).
perjalanan selanjutnya, Langdon dan Sophie pergi mengunjungi Kapel Rosslyn/ di Skotlandia. Setibanya di tempat itu, Tiba-tiba Langdon melihat ke ujung sanktuari yang terkenal dengan ukiran dengan simbol-simbol salib Kristen, bintang yahudi dan gambar asrologi, tumbuhan, sayuran, bintang lima sudut dan mawar. Mereka berdua masuk kedalam ruangan sanktuari disambut oleh seorang laki-laki muda sebagai pemandu di kapel itu. Sophie berdiri terpaku merasa tidak asing dengan tempat ini, Tiba-tiba memorinya masa kecilnya membayanginya, ia ingat ditempat ini Sophie pernah menunggu kakeknya yang sedang mengucapakn perpisahan kepada seseorang dibalik pintu dekat rumah batu. Kemudian Sophie keluar dari ruangan itu menuju rumah batu di sebelahnya. Melalui pintu perkasa rumah batu, Sophie bertemu dengan seorang perempun tua. Ternyata perempuan itu adalah neneknya Sophie/istri Sauniere yang identitasnya telah dirahasiakan dan dianggap telah mati bersama kecelakaan yang menimpa orangtuanya waktu Sophie kecil. Setelah mereka bertemu dan melepas rasa rindu, neneknya menjelaskan semua yang terjadi dan alasan kenapa mereka terpaksa berpisah itu semata untuk melindungi keamanan Sophie yang dianggap keturunan langsung maria Magdalena dan Yesus kristus. Disamping itu neneknya juga menjelaskan sejarah tentang Holy Grail yang sebenarnya dan dimana letak Grail berada.
Setibanya di Paris, Langdon keluar dari Hotel Ritz berjalan menuju Louvre. Disanalah dia menemukan sesuatu yang penting dari bangunan pyramid Louvre. Matanya tertatih pada sebuah bangunan terkecil yang berhiaskan seni-seni terbaik dunia. Da Vinci dan Bottically. Diujung terowongan disebuah ruangan besar Louvre, Langdon dapat melihat yang bergantungan dari atas pyramid terbalik yang berkilauan berbentuk hurup V dan tepat dibawahnya ia juga melihat sebuah miniature pyramid yang menonjol keatas. Kedua pyramid tersebut saling menunjuk sejajar dengan sempurna. Kemudian Landon teringat kata-kata nenek Sophie tentang keberadaan Grail dan puisi Mahaguru/Sang kurator Jaques Sauniere. Ternyata pencarian Holy Grail adalah pencarian untuk berlutut di depan tulang belulang Maria Magdalena, sebuah perjalanan untuk berdoa pada kaki sang terbuang. kini Langdon berhasil mememecahkan pesan Sauniere dan berhasil menemukan Holy Grail yang sekarang dalam miniature pyramid ini. Sauniere telah mengembalikan Holy Grail ketempat semula yakni di Paris di dalam Lauvre. ***

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